After enduring 3 flights of Day 1 alongside a lengthy final day of competition, the Kick-Off Event has crowned its champion.

The tension-packed showdown between "Haru" and "BinBop" stretched nearly an hour. "Haru" closely trailed the chip count of their opponent, but "BinBop" navigated through favorable hands and consistently maintained a chip lead over "Haru".

With only 4.6 million chips left and blinds set at 125K/250K, "BinBop" held a two pair and re-raised All-in, which "Haru" called with a hit of 8 on the turn. It seemed like a conclusion was imminent, but unexpectedly, a 10c was dealt on the river, extending the showdown. The true climax occurred when both players went All-in preflop, with "BinBop" holding JJ and "Haru" Q10. The board revealed J254Q, offering no surprises for "Haru". "BinBop" emerged as the champion of the VPL Kick-off Event.

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Today, March 11th, features the highly anticipated "Mini Main Event" as the focal point, boasting an enticing guaranteed prize pool of up to 3 billion with approximately 500 buy-ins expected. Participants who opt for online buy-ins during Flight A will enjoy a discounted rate of 300,000 VND for the first 50 registrations, along with various other perks.

Additionally, a special event tailored for the ladies, the "Ladies Event," kicks off at 3:00 PM today. Best wishes to all competitors on this exciting start to the week.