Level 9: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

 Amit Kaushik

Heads-up to the Q83K turn, Dominik Nitsche makes it 16,000 to go out of the small blind and Amit Kaushik calls on the button. Nitsche checks the 4 on the river and Kaushik bets big for 50,000.

The near instant fold of Nitsche follows, who then remarks a marked card and demands for a change of decks.

Amit Kaushik - 160,000 (107 bb)
Dominik Nitsche - 70,000 (47 bb)

Triple Up for Lun Loon; Double Up for Curtis Lim
Level 9: 1,000-1,500, 1,500 ante

 Lun Loon

A three-way all-in emerges with Lun Loon as the shortest stack involved, as he gets it in for the last 35,000. He is up against Curtis Lim and Rundulf Gonzales, the latter of which has the biggest stacks and overcards at his disposal.

Lun Loon: QQ
Curtis Lim: 1010
Rundulf Gonzales: AK

Loon triples up on a Q5437 runout while Lim doubles for 38,500 through Gonzales.

Lun Loon - 107,000 (71 bb)
Curtis Lim - 77,000 (51 bb)
Rundulf Gonzales - 75,000 (50 bb)