Day1B. Level 2: 200-300, 300 ante

Hai Nam HoangHoang Hai Nam

With the board showing Q102 on the turn and about 24K already in the pot, Hai Nam Hoang bets 15,000 from UTG+1, and Darren Yu thinks for a while before he calls from the cutoff.

The river card is the 9, and Hoang moves all in for about 24,500. Yu has 22,400 left in his stack, and he counts it out and then tanks for a long time before he folds. Hoang takes the pot.

Hai Nam Hoang  -  48,500  (162 bb)
Darren Yu  -  22,400  (75 bb)

Darren YuDarren Yu

Level 2: 200-300, 300 ante

Kim Nam Hyung

Namhyung Kim Doubles Thru Yongmin Kim

Namhyung Kim and Yongmin Kim are flipping for stacks when the chips go in after a flop of AK4 with the former at risk.

Namhyung Kim: AK
Yongmin Kim: A9

The board completes with the 510 on turn and river to secure the double-up of Namhyung Kim.

Namhyung Kim - 85,000 (283 bb)
Yongmin Kim - 13,000 (43 bb)