Level 5: 300-600, 600 ante

Mike Takayama (left) and Nevan Chang (right)

The showdown between top players, Mike Takayama from the Philippines, and "Nevan" Chang from Taiwan, promises to be an exciting clash. Both of them have established themselves as some of the best players in their respective countries, and now they find themselves seated at the same table.

With 11,100 in the middle, Mike Takayama and Yu Chung "Nevan" Chang check the J62 3 

Takayama bets the 5 river for 5,500 and Chang mulls it over for a short while to then call.

Takayama is caught bluffing with the Q8 and Chang wins the pot withAK.

Nevan Chang - 65,000 (108 bb)
Mike Takayama - 38,200 (64 bb)