Level 26: 50,000-75,000, 75,000 ante

Bao Pham
Photo:  Bao Pham

With two short stacks on the same table, Konstantin Held as the chip leader applies pressure and moves all-in out of the small blind. Bao Pham in the big blind has around 1,200,000 chips behind and opts to call it off.

Bao Pham: K9
Konstantin Held: 88

Pham has the best case scenario for his hand with two overcards, but neither of them connect with the A1054A board to end his run in 10th place. This also ends Day 3 as well, as the last nine players will now bag and tag up their chips for the night.

Konstantin Held - 7,275,000 (97 bb)
Bao Pham - Eliminated in 10th Place ($42,647)

Bao Pham
Photo:  Bao Pham