Hand #100: Level 29: 75,000-150,000, 150,000 ante

Kyle Bao Diep
Photo:  Kyle Bao Diep

HAND #100  -  Kyle Bao Diep raises from the cutoff to 1,200,000, leaving himself a single 25K chip behind. Konstantin Held moves all in from the big blind, and Diep calls all in for 1,225,000 with AK.

Held turns over A7, and Diep is a dominant favorite to double up here.

But the board comes 762106 -- Held flops a pair of sevens with a heart flush draw, and Diep never catches up. Held wins the pot with two pair, sevens and sixes, to eliminate Diep in sixth place.

Konstantin Held  -  16,550,000  (110 bb)
Kyle Bao Diep  -  Eliminated in 6th Place  ($90,532)

Kyle Bao Diep
Photo:  Kyle Bao Diep