Level 11: 1,500-2,500, 2,500 ante

Dealing Poker Cards

Level 10 comes to an end, and Level 11 begins with increased blinds of 1,500-2,500 and a 2,500 ante. Play continues without a break.
The tournament clock shows about 140 players remaining from a Day 1A flight of 373 entries, with an average chip stack around 133,000 (53 big blinds). Day 1B begins tomorrow at 11:00 am, with registration open until the start of Level 9 (around 9:45 pm).
Action is scheduled to continue tonight until the end of Level 11, shortly before midnight.

Dominik Nitsche Eliminated by Julien Rouxel

Level 11: 1,500-2,500, 2,500 ante
 Dominik Nitsche

In a preflop raising contest, Dominik Nitsche and Julien Rouxel get their chips into the middle for near identical stack sizes.

Nitsche has the best of it with the KK while Rouxel flips over the suited AK

The A42 suddenly leaves Nitsche on the ropes and he founds no escape on the 5 turn or J river. Both stacks are counted and the 143,000 of Rouxel cover.

Julien Rouxel - 290,000 (116 bb)
Dominik Nitsche - Eliminated

Level 11: 1,500-2,500, 2,500 ante

Kazuyuki Tanemura three-bets to 12,000 and then calls a four-bet to 35,000 by Florencio Campomanes from the very next seat, while the initial raiser folds. Tanemura check-calls for 8,000 on the A32 flop, they check the 6 turn and Tanemura check-calls Campomanes for the last 5,000 on the A river.

Campomanes doubles with the QQ, the cards of Tanemura are never exposed.

Florencio Campomanes - 95,000 (38 bb)
Kazuyuki Tanemura - 175,000 (70 bb)