Level 4: 300-500, 500 ante
Artem VezhenkovArtem Vezhenkov

After a flop of 1064, Thai Cuong Nguyen checks from UTG+1, Artem Vezhenkov bets 5,000 from the button, and Nguyen check-raises to 15,000. Vezhenkov calls.

The turn card is the J, Nguyen moves all in, and Vezhenkov thinks for a moment or two before he calls all in for 17,000 with AK for a king-high flush draw with a gutshot straight draw. Nguyen turns over AA for a pair of aces with a higher flush draw, and Vezhenkov can only catch a queen to stay alive.

The river card is the 7, and Nguyen wins the pot with an ace-high flush to eliminate Vezhenkov.

Thai Cuong Nguyen  -  110,000  (220 bb)
Artem Vezhenkov  -  Eliminated

Thai Cuong NguyenThai Cuong Nguyen
12:50 AM PST, Jan 26, 2024 • Level 4: 300-500, 500 ante
 Dominik Nitsche

Cash game player Joseph Adams barrels through a board of AJ34K board and jams the river to get called by Dominik Nitsche. Adams flashes the mere 106 and Nitsche earns the knockout with A4 for turned two pair.

"Nothing changes, eh? Do you also do that online in the zoom pools?" a friend needles the now bust Adams right as the hand is over and they head for the third break of the day.

Dominik Nitsche - 85,000 (170 bb)
Joseph Adams - Eliminated