Level 8: 600-1,200, 1,200 ante

With some 34,000 in the middle to the KQ53A river, Avi Cohen checks out of the big blind. Quang Huy Nguyen in the cutoff then bets 18,000 and Cohen sighs visibly. He spends the next few minutes in the tank until another player calls the clock on the table big stack.

The floor arrives and inquires how much time has passed. "Too much," Cohen grins. His thirty seconds run down and he folds. Nguyen smashes the 7
 on the table and rakes in the pot.

"You can't show the ace?!" Cohen inquires but receives no answer.

Quang Huy Nguyen - 85,000 (71 bb)
Avi Cohen - 197,000 (164 bb)