Dhaval Mudgal Eliminated by Kyle Bao Diep

Level 17: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Kyle Bao Diep raises to 20,000 and earns one call in the next seat. Dhaval Mudgal then three-bet jams for the last 68,000 and Diep isolates via four-bet to 150,000.

Dhaval Mudgal: K10
Kyle Bao Diep: QQ

The suited king gains some equity with the 1087 flop but Diep comes out on top thanks to the 2 turn as well as the Q river.

Kyle Bao Diep - 445,000 (44 bb)
Dhaval Mudgal - Eliminated in 90th Place ($6,054)

Level 17: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

Michael Falcon
Photo:  Michael Falcon has a sizable chip lead now that the field has made the money.

A scan of the field during the dinner break turned up 12 players with at least 780K in chips, creating an unofficial leaderboard:

1.  Michael Falcon  -  1,903,000  (190 bb)
2.  Joshua Mccully  -  1,359,000  (136 bb)
3.  Daniel Tighe  -  1,283,000  (128 bb)
4.  Yuhang Chen  -  1,040,000  (104 bb)
5.  Kou Vang  -  986,000  (99 bb)
6.  Dmitry Nemirovsky  -  878,000  (88 bb)
7.  Daneil Hinh  -  853,000  (85 bb)
8.  Quang Huy Nguyen  -  849,000  (85 bb)
9.  Bao Pham  -  843,000  (84 bb)
10.  Stephen Anthony Eli  -  827,000  (83 bb)
11.  Yuto Suzuki  -  790,000  (79 bb)
12.  Trung Ha Nguyen  -  780,000  (78 bb)

Punnat Punsri Flipped Out by Hwang Wei Choong

Level 17: 5,000-10,000, 10,000 ante

 Punnat Punsri

Punnat Punsri is all-in via coin flip with the AK and Hwang Wei Choong, who doubled through Punsri earlier today, reluctantly calls with the 1010 after the 9222 turn.

The river is the 6 and that spells the end for the start-of-the-day chip leader.

Hwang Wei Choong - 650,000 (65 bb)
Punnat Punsri - Eliminated